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LingoClass Language Course Vouchers
Give a More Meaningful Gift This Christmas...
Why Choose a LingoClass Voucher?

LingoClass language course vouchers are a thoughtful and unique gift for anyone interested in learning an Asian language. All vouchers come with a personalised Christmas card and textbook so you have something physical to hand your loved one on Christmas day.

What Can I Buy With My Vouchers?

Vouchers are redeemable on all face to face Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Cantonese language courses. Courses are available as group or private tuition and can be taken at our convenient central London location!

How Do I Use My Language Course Voucher?

After you receive your voucher, simply go to our redeem page,, decide which course you want to book and type the unique voucher code found in your Christmas card.
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What's Inside the Card?

The inside of the card can be seen in the picture to the right. Upon checkout you can ask us to write a personalised message on your behalf. You can also choose to leave the card blank and write the message yourself.

How Long Are the Vouchers Valid For?

Recipients must redeem and start their course before the 31st of March 2025. 

How Much Do They Cost?

Our vouchers are available as several different packages with an increasing number of class hours for each level. All packages come with textbooks. A complete list of prices is included below.
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12 hours of group lessons

(valid for in-school courses only)

Learning Materials

+ Greeting card





24 hours of group lessons 

(valid for in-school courses only)

Learning Materials

+ Greeting card

+ LingoClass Notebook





46 hours of group lessons/

16 hours of private lessons

(valid for in-school courses only)

Learning Materials

+ Greeting card

+ LingoClass Notebook

+ LingoClass Pen


Japanese 0-N5 intensive course

(In-school/ 46 hours)

Hiragana & Katakana E-Book

+ Learning Materials

+ Greeting card

+ LingoClass Notebook

+ LingoClass Pen



Booking & Payment

Book Now
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Merry Christmas from LingoClass!

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